Hi, I’m Andrea, the face behind Aligned Alchemy. This is my very patient and open minded husband, who continually keeps me grounded. The other handsome little man is my fiery sidekick. We do life really well together, and I couldn't imagine a better support system than these two.
My journey, like you, has been unique. I had always been drawn to the spiritual aspects of life, but found myself suppressing my gifts. I followed a more semi-traditional route of healing with a rehabilitative approach to massage therapy (which I may also add has its benefits, and still love to do!). However, after a series of lows in 2020, I realized life was more than the tangible 3D elements I had always worked with. I desired more knowledge for the unseen. I then put my focus on personal growth and expansion.
Looking back, I can put together pieces of knowledge over the years that has led me to this awakening. It wasn't one specific thing, but rather a combination of life experiences that started to connect at a deeper level. I now have a clearer vision of what life can truly be, and it is b e a u t i f u l. We are in charge of what we create. We control our reality.
To rephrase something that I have heard time and time again, “you can’t unsee the unseen once you actually see it”. I am remembering who I am and why I am here during this pivotal time.
I am a multidimensional healer. My goal is to assist in your healing at all levels to enhance soul growth, expansion, and ascension. My mission is to help you remember YOUR true power through your own alignment.
Ascension is an inside job, I just help facilitate the process.
Are you ready to start your journey to soul expansion? Been interested in a soul reading? Just looking for some one-on-one coaching from a multi-dimensional leader?
Check out Our Teachings to see how you can start taking back control today!
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