

the process of taking something ordinary and turning it into something extraordinary, sometimes in a way that cannot be explained.



the process of taking something ordinary and turning it into something extraordinary, sometimes in a way that cannot be explained.



the process of taking something ordinary and turning it into something extraordinary, sometimes in a way that cannot be explained.


I will help you reach soul alignment in order to discover your unique gifts, light, value and power. You will awaken to who you truly are, live from your heart, and live life's true purpose on mission.


Energy Scan


The ultimate goal is to help you recognize your present state of health and create alignment.

With divine guidance, I tune into your energy field and scan your body and chakra system.

Intuitively, I channel messages and guidance that serves your highest and best, as well as facilitate any healing, clearing, or activation that may be needed.

The energy scan allows you to deepen your connection with your higher self and bring balance to all systems.

1 hour - Full scan

30 min - "Tune up"*

*Only available as a check in-after full scan has been completed.

1 hour - $175.00 30 minutes - $99.00

 Healy Frequency



Everything is energy and everything holds a frequency.

The Healy device helps attune your frequency through your bio-energetic field (aura).

In quantum mechanics, the distance from a and b is secondary -it does not matter, and there is no distinction between them. Ie sessions can be done remotely and are just as effective!!!

Along with the Healy, I will also be tuning intuitively to your energetic field.

Over 144,000 programs individualized to your needs including pain management, alleviate migraines, balance chakras, reduce anxiety, stress, fatigue, and many more.

45 minutes - $111.00


Energy Work


Alchemy is the art of transformation, inner liberation, and change.

Multiple modalities are utilized, including - reiki, alchemical healing, sound, and light language - to remove blocks, transmute energy, and restore, activate, and upgrade DNA.

This healing will help expand your consciousness and bring new, ascended levels of awareness. It is a layered process that occurs throughout all of your energetic bodies.

30 minutes - $99.00 1 hour - $175.00


Ascension Coaching


I am here to guide you through your growth and expansion processes, to offer you the necessary tools to reach your greatest potential. It is an honor to be able to remind you that you are whole, and assist you on your journey of your highest timeline and potential, to live a joyful life on mission, on purpose, and through your heart.

1 hour - $175.00 3 hour pkg - $444.00

Get Started

Please remember, that all teaching sessions are done remotely (unless previously discussed with Andrea) via ZOOM. A link will be sent to the phone number you provide when scheduling your appointment. To schedule click the link below.

Please plan on having your session in a quiet private space.

Payment must be received at least 24 hours prior to our session. Payment is accepted through VENMO (@Aligned-Alchemy) or PAYPAL. For PAYPAL, log in to your account. Click the "Send Money" tab, and send the payment amount to

Please note: If you cancel within 24 hours of your appointment, or are a no show, you will forfeit your full payment.

Schedule Offering

*Medical Disclaimer

Energy techniques are utilized to affect patterns in the human energy field. This field may contain imprints, and/or distortions, that have originated from past life trauma, genetic inherited patterns, early childhood trauma, or entity attachments. Patterns can be the root behind disease or dysfunction. Energy healing does not cure the physical issue directly. However, energy healing influences the etheric field to promote an increase in vibratory energy and address root causes by shifting trauma patterns.

I do not treat or diagnose any medical conditions or diseases.


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